SOQL(Salesforce Object Query Language)
What is SOQL(Salesforce Object Query Language) . . . . ?
SOQL means Salesforce Object Query Language.
SOQL Is used to query the records from the based on requirement.
- Salesforce Apex and SOQL together give the developers powerful tools for managing Salesforce Data and process of their applications.
- Records are pertaining to single sObject.
- Using Salesforce Object Query Language developers can fetch and process a large amount of data in an easy, human readable query language.
- SOQL is very similar to SQL used in other database systems.
- It doesn't support all advance features of SQL.
SOQL Features
- Salesforce Object Query Language us a case sensitive and very easy to understand.
- It is similar to SQL and helps to optimize the code.
- It reduces workload time.
- Salesforce Object data can retrieved or extracted to Excel Sheets.
- It Returns Records
- Records are stored in a Form of Collections.
SOQL Limitations
- By default 20000 characters for a Statement.
- Number of SOQL rows : 50,000
- Number of SOQL Queries : 20
- Number of DML Statements : 150
- Number of DML Rows : 10,000
- Number of Script Statements : 200K
- Number of call out : 10
- Number of Email Invocation : 10
- Number of Fields Described : 100
- Number of Child Relationships : 100
- Number of Picklist describes : 100
- Number of Future Calls : 10
- Maximum Heap Size : 3000K